US Speedo

Our wide range of products encompass everything speedometer"¢. From custom gauge faces, such as our Stainless Edition or our custom colored Daytona Edition faces, to direct replacement or conversion gauge faces, US Speedo© has what you need for your speedometer. US Speedo© also carries a full line of replacement components at a much more reasonable price than any dealer. We stock conversion gauge faces, direct replacement needles, lenses, stepper motors, and light bulbs / LED's. If you're looking for custom lighting for your entire dash, look no further than our custom LED lighting kits, engineered specifically to work with your vehicle.
US Speedo© also offers our clients our expert repair service. Do you have problems with your needles sticking? Display not working properly or not at all? Light bulbs burned out? Let our skilled technicians help at a fraction of the cost of purchasing and programming a new cluster through a dealer. Our techs have over 35 years of combined experience and with an emphasis on excellent customer service, US Speedo© is the best place for your vehicles speedometer repair.
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