What's the current state of the specialty equipment industry? How much was spent on performance and accessory products last year, and where?
What trends will affect your business? Whatever your business objectives may be, SEMA Market Research’s reports can help connect you with the information you need to make informed business decisions. All of these reports, and much more, are available for free from the Market Research team at www.sema.org/research. A few of the latest ones available from SEMA Market research are:
SEMA Future Trends - January 2023
In this report, the SEMA Market Research team presents its outlook for 2023 and beyond for the overall economy, the global supply chain, and the specialty-equipment industry. This report also includes a deep dive on vehicle sales and trends, including the latest projections for EVs, as well as key opportunities for the industry moving forward.
2022 SEMA Market Report
The SEMA Market Report provides an overview on the state of the U.S. specialty-equipment market. The 2022 report includes data collected from consumers and other on how much was spent, and where, on specialty-automotive parts and accessories in 2021. It also examines how consumers and businesses navigated both recovering from 2020, and the supply-chain disruptions that emerged as 2021 went on.
SEMA State of the Industry – Fall 2022
In the Fall 2022 edition of this report, SEMA Market Research explores the current state of the specialty-equipment industry—how businesses are doing, key industry trends and metrics, challenges and opportunities, and outlook for 2023 and beyond.
SEMA Emerging Trends: Electrification, Alternative Power and Advanced Technology
In this report, SEMA Market Research explores the current landscape of alternative power and electrification in the United States, providing a realistic outlook for electric vehicles in the future as well as implications for the specialty-equipment industry. This report also examines other advanced technologies that are being developed for new vehicles today.
The SEMA Market Research team offers insight to help you and your business. They can also help gather information that meets your particular needs. If you have any questions or information needs, feel free to reach out to research@sema.org.