A great agenda ahead for the SEMA Data Users Group Virtual Meetup on April 5! 

All SEMA Data manufacturer or reseller members are invited to attend the Meetup next Tuesday, April 5.

As part of registration, we've asked you to send in topics of interest, and you submitted some great topics to discuss! Remember that your participation at event helps shape the future of the SEMA Data program in the direction you want it to go. 

Agenda Topics 
—  What's happened and what's coming up in 2022 with SEMA Data
     +  Program updates
     +  Data Excellence
     +  Available vehicle coverage

—  Speed Networking to get to know your fellow attendees

—  Table Topics & Open Discussions
     +  Custom Export Builder
     +  Exports Management
     +  ACES Attributes and qualifiers
     +  PIES Attributes
     +  Data Health & Data Excellence
     +  PartsHub New Features

Register today! 

We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, April 5 at 9:00am PDT / 12:00pm EDT!


As always, we're here to help if you have questions. Contact us at info@semadata.org.

Follow us at FaceBook and LinkedIn for more frequent news and highlights.