We do want to shake your hand and see in person what cool new products you're releasing this year!  

Surprisingly, though, what we found out from a recent virtual event we participated in was that it proved to be a better format for several reasons.

The right person for the conversation could attend
One of the constraints that every business has to consider with in-person trade shows and events is travel budget. What is the total cost? What to ship, how many people to bring, who to bring, and how long to stay if the event is more than a day or two

When the SEMA Data team attended this year's Custom Automotive Network's virtual event, CAN Connect, we discovered that for each of the meetings we had, we were able to bring in the person most relevant to the conversations — and so could the companies we were meeting. There was no more "let me take this back to office" or "they will be here tomorrow." 

Meaningful and impactful conversations could be had with all relevant persons.

The right amount of time can be set
Without the need to shuffle from booth to booth or hall to hall, more time could be dedicated to the meetings and conversation. Instead of only being able to have a few meetings in a day, several key meetings could be set and they could be back-to-back, if needed. No time wasted getting around or waiting for elevators and escalators.

Sharing what you want to showcase on screen and visible for everyone
No more huddling around an iPad or laptop, or figuring out where the HDMI connections are on various monitors. You can share video, walkthroughs, 360 images — whatever is important and have it be seen clearly and comfortably by your audience. 

And that's it. These are a few of the areas wherein we felt we were able to be more productive, have better meetings, and do so even with a tight budget.

We are looking forward to meeting with you at this year's SEMA360, a 100% virtual show!


As always, we're here to help if you have questions. Contact us at info@semadata.org.


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