Check your data score to serve up better data! 

With feedback from industry companies and consumers, SEMA Data updated the Data Health Scorecard in PIMS to help you measure and maintain the quality of your data desired by your customers. The new Scorecard v2 incorporates feedback from the Reseller network, and industry experts. Shoppers and resellers need more descriptive descriptions, more and better images and other digital assets, more attribute data, more features and benefits, more more more.

All of which are reflected in the new Scorecard. So where does your data stand today?

Click on the video to get a quick guide on how to check your data score. If it's not what you expected and getting to the top is important to you, contact your SEMA Data support team today. If you don't know who your support team is, just click that little chat box at the bottom right of the page.

Serve up better data and you just could get some deserved recognition for your effort!

We recognize your work in providing quality product data and will be rewarding your effort at the 2020 SEMA Show. Stay tuned to learn more.

As always, we're here to help if you have questions or want to learn how you can optimize your product information. Contact us at


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