*** Information Update ***
The sunset date for the current APIs has been extended to August 31, 2023. The new API v2 documentation is available at the link below. Keep in mind that API usage is available to all SEMA Data members, including those on the Free Plan.
-- From May eNews --
This news is important for any who rely on the SEMA Data APIs for data access and powering website searches.
The new API v2 documentation is now available! You will be able to access it after you log into PIMS.
-- From March eNews --
We have been making great strides to scale the SEMA Data infrastructure and databases you rely on for data validation and distribution. Over the last year, we have grown to support the over 600 private and publicly available brands, which migrated all product information to a more robust database. This move also required updating the APIs you use to access product content.
Beginning May 1, 2023, our new API URL (v2) and new security tokens will become available. You will need to update to the new API URL and refresh your security tokens in order to ensure uninterrupted services. There will be a 90-day window for these changes to be made before sunsetting our v1 APIs on July 31, 2023. During this time period, both versions will be available giving ample time for you to redirect, test and make the cutover.
This news article is our chance to give you notice that these changes will be rolling out. There will be a separate email in April to all API users which will provide more detailed instructions. Please mark these dates on your calendar and be on the lookout for our email in April.
For those who are utilizing the SEMA Data eCommerce Plugins, you will NOT need to take any action as we will be taking care of those updates for you through the plugins.
For any questions or concerns, API users can reach out to the helpdesk@semadata.org for more information.
As always, we're here to help if you have questions. Contact us at info@semadata.org.
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